Hi there. I'm a new owner of a 2023 signature series 320s. First owner. Like many people it seems my victron controller thinks I'm on a default AGM battery but the camper came with a deep cycle marine SRM-24 battery.
During the walk through the service guy told me I can just run the battery all the way down and recharge it, no problem. I'm not sure that's true. Per the controller is gets to 14.27V when the sun has charged it and it's just sitting but the daily draw takes it down to the 12.60's as a low.
The Victron history shows it was at 3.77v for a few days before we picked it up, but I haven't gotten it under 12.40v in my driveway, just playing music, charging stuff, using the overhead fan.
So, if I'm out boondocking, trying to keep it lite, how low can I take that voltage on the battery? I tried googling it generally but didn't get a clear answer.
I'm a total newbie so assume I know very little. Thanks, y'all.
Thank you.
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Lead-Acid and Li-Ion have very different useful voltage/charge output profiles.
Generally, Lead-Acid Batteries are only usable for half their rated Amp Hours capacity.
For example; 70AHr Deep Cycle will become useless after 35AHr of energy is drawn out and the 'measured' voltage will be in 11'ish to 12.2'ish range.
A 70AHr Li-Ion battery would still generate 12.5+ volts after 60AHr of energy drain.
The 'serivce guy' may have assumed the trailer was Li-Ion.
Best Practice is never to fully drain any battery below 12.2'ish volts
You can enjoy the trailer and battery will be charged and ready for your next trip.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
The solar power faces morning sunshine and it seems to spend at least a third of the day on float. I haven't plugged it in yet because I'm trying to get a sense of how quickly the power draws down doing minimal activities. Apparently the answer is Very Quickly.
Thanks for the info. I might switch over to an AGM or even the one the default is set on. It looks like it's as easy as turning the disconnect knob and unhooking/rehooking.
All this to say that from what I've read, you can take an AGM battery down to about 20% without changing the total amps you'll get from it over the life of the battery.
I made that way to complicated, didn't I?
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab