I’m back from an amazing “solo” trip from Victoria to Las Vegas to see The Killers live at Caesar’s Palace. I was blessed with dry but somewhat cold January weather - way better than rain/snow, for sure. I had one day of snotty weather through Salt Lake City and that was it!
I was on shore power for most of the trip, something I rarely get on Vancouver Island.
My little 2014 T@B MAX was fantastic and I especially appreciated running the Alde on shore power AND propane to get things warmed up quickly. Here are a few of the highlights and low lights.
Before the trip, I had my 7-way plug replaced. The replacement plug had smaller tabs than the original. On day 1 of my trip, the plug fell out, likely by getting bumped on the ferry trip and it got destroyed by being dragged down the interstate. I had to wait a day in southern Washington state to get it re-replaced. It was an unfortunate ordeal and now I zap strap it in place to make sure it it stays in.
Electrical tape to the rescue - to make the letters. I was really angry when I did the letters and I think it shows!
New plug and off to South Beach State Park, Newport Oregon - it was lovely!
One of many fantastic vistas in southern Oregon, Route 101
No photo, but I was especially proud of myself to navigate from Rte 101 S to I-99 S via Oakland, CA without any wrong turns.
Minor inconveniences during the trip were a few blown Alde fuses and one 30 amp battery fuse. Always encountered at night in the dark, of course!
Glamping in Las Vegas. For an “off grid” gal, I found the Las Vegas RV Resort to be safe, hospitable, and clean. I really appreciated the laundry facilities and hot showers.
Desert sunrise from my bed in the T@B
The Killers concert was mind-blowing. They played the entire Hot Fuss album, front to back and each song had its own graphics.
Zion National Park, Watchman Campground, Utah. I was here 2 nights before a 3-day drive home. My last rest day was warm and sunny!
On the last night, yet one more “mishap! I arrived to Emigrant Springs State Park in NE Oregon 1 hour before dark. The road and campsites were sheer ice and while backing up slightly uphill into my campsite, I slid forward into a solid frozen snow bank. I was completely jammed - couldn’t go forward or back! So I called AAA who came to the rescue and yanked me out! That night, it was -12C and I was especially grateful for a hot shower, shore power and my little Alde to keep me warm.
On day 15, I made it to the BC Ferry terminal to head home to Victoria. My little T@B earned a well deserved wash and some down time. Also, because I know someone will ask; those are stainless steel colanders over my fridge vents. The Mason bees’ mud got in there 2 years ago and blocked up my fridge - it cost me $1000 to have the fridge pulled and cleaned. No more!

And that’s it. Just as I got home, we got snow and colder weather. I was fortunate to take my trip during a sunny, dry spell!
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
2015 Little Guy T@b, TV - 07 Honda Ridgeline
"Good friends beware! the only life we knows Flies from us like an arrow from the bow, the Caravan of life is moving by, Quick! to your places in the passing show.”
Great pictures, too!
This would be easier to do with a Boondock model with more clearance