Wall Paper Bubble Issue

I am not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but we have an issue where the wall paper has separated from the wall.  We installed a paper towel holder using command strips on the wall panel near the sink (the one shared with the shower/toilet). The installation was per the command strip instructions and all went well. After about two weeks of very hot days, we discovered that the wall paper had begun to separate (bubble) from the wall where the command strips were attached. The command strips held firm, but the wall paper pulled away from the wall.  Needless to say, we immediately removed the command strips and contacted the factory claims to see if this had happened before and/or what we could do to correct this. Ed advised that they had not heard of this happening before, but that they would fix the issue for us. However, the T@B would need to be brought to the factory for the corrective action to take place. As we live in Virginia and do not know if we will make it to Ohio this year, Ed advised that would not be a problem. If we came next summer, they would still cover the work.  I have attached a few pics of the wall paper bubble issue in case anyone else has had this issue. Also, I attached a pic of a spice rack that we installed on the other wall (near the stove) using command strips and that has been fine with no wall paper separation noted.  I am pleased with the support from Ed and Pleasant Valley on this issue and will now look at an available time next year to visit Ohio to see about getting this corrected.

Marc & Janet
2016 T@B Max S - 2017 Honda Pilot - Winchester,VA


  • PhotomomPhotomom Member Posts: 2,217
    I have one small bubble in the bathroom, same reason. Left something on a command hook  while trailer was sitting on the driveway in 90+ weather. I doubt I'll take the trailer to Ohio just for that, but will alert Ed. Maybe get it fixed next tearstock. 

    I no longer leave anything on command hooks when the trailer isn't in use. 
    John and Henrietta, Late 2016 T@B S Max in Western New York
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Thanks so much for posting this issue.  A warning for everyone using the command strips.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • PhotomomPhotomom Member Posts: 2,217
    I have LOTS of command strips in my T@B. Only problem was combo of heat and weight pulling on it. 
    John and Henrietta, Late 2016 T@B S Max in Western New York
  • duckblind123duckblind123 Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2016

    UPDATE - I wanted to provide an update on the wall paper bubble issue - What Mother Nature's heat givith, Mother Nature's heat taketh away!  Since we initially had the wall paper bubble issue, I stopped checking it every time we used the T@B and just sort of accepted that we had the issue.  Well, we have had some hot weather (as most of the country has) over the past few weeks.  So, when we took out the T@B this past weekend and I just happened to take a look near the sink where the wall paper bubbles first appeared. Since it has been so hot, the bubbles almost removed themselves.  There was just a slight bubble in each of the three places as the heat must has reactivated the paste/glue underneath the paper. So, I picked up a small wall paper roller from Lowe's and waited until the next hot day.  Today was a scorcher (temp inside the trailer was reading 114 degrees when I first opened the door).  So, I rolled out the remaining bubbles using the roller and now they are gone. I'll check in a few days to make sure they don't reappear, but I was happy that they lessened on their own and allowed me to fix them without having to cut the paper.  Anyway, a few pics to show they are now clear. You can compare them with my original post pics.  Just wanted to share the good news.
    Regards, duckblind123

    Marc & Janet
    2016 T@B Max S - 2017 Honda Pilot - Winchester,VA

  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    That is GREAT news! Go buy a lottery ticket.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • RZRBUGRZRBUG Member Posts: 890
    I tried to remove one of the Velcro strips that anchors a side cushion as I wanted to move the anchor point.  Naturally, I managed peel a piece of the wall paper off in the process.  I was disappointed, of course, but did not consider it to be any kind of flaw in construction.  I just placed the new Velcro over it.  It's wall paper, after all.  Not stainless steel

    Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra

    Happy Trails Y'all

    States Visited Map

  • TommyTommy Member Posts: 175
    We have had this same issue. We installed command strips/hook to support a basket and the same thing happened as your pictures. Ours has not correct itself.
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