Planning Ontario/Quebec/Maine Trip

ChucklecChucklec Member Posts: 16
We're planning a trip for later this year.  I seem to recall seeing a post from someone a while ago that had a map and spreadsheet describing a similar trip.  I've tried various searches and scrolling through the "Camping & Travel" topic with no success.  If anyone knows where to find this post, I would really appreciate a link.

2018 T@G 320 S (silver on silver); TV=2016 Kia Sorento V-6 AWD


  • ChucklecChucklec Member Posts: 16
    Yup, exactly what I was trying to re-locate.  Thanks so much for responding.  Looks like you had a great trip.  It's very similar to what we're thinking about, only we'll be starting in Ohio, so will probably head up through Detroit and cross into Ontario there.

    Might ask to pick your brain a bit as we get our plans a little more firmed up.  Thanks again!
    2018 T@G 320 S (silver on silver); TV=2016 Kia Sorento V-6 AWD
  • newellnewell Member Posts: 182
    Here are two tips for a Quebec Trip.  Make sure you're GPS has Canada on it and not just the lower forty eight.  Second, brush up on reading road signs in French because they don't post them in English.  Nord for north, Sud for south etc.  Enjoy you trip, it's beautiful up there. 

        Earl & Sue | Central NY |
    2017 T@B 320S | TV: Chevy Silverado
  • LuckyjLuckyj Member Posts: 286
    Couple of things I would suggest.

    on tye map, somehow from Montreal Toward east, they took highway 40 north of the st-laurence river, then croos in Trois-Riviere south of the river then on route 132 to Levis.  Not sure they cross in quebec city, but should have.  Then I you do not mind ferry, I would suggest staying north of the river to Tadousac, les Bergeronnes and les Escoumin.  Possible to camp right by the river and been woken up by whales in Paradis Marin Campground.

    so, perso, from Montreal, I would take highway 20 to quebec city, spend at least a few days, then drive 138 to Charlevoix, Baie-St-Paul, Pointe au Pic, St-Simeon.  Some nice provincial parks, and more.  The G7 will be in Pointe au pic next spring.  Could be nice to see where it was.

    ferry crossing in St-Simeon, Les Escoumins and Baie-Comeau. One in Forestville, but not enough clearance for the hight of a T@B.

    whale watching cruise possible in Tadousac, Les Bergeronnes and les Escoumins.
    2017 T@G Max Outback "Le Refuge"
    TV 2005 jeep TJ unlimited
    and/or 2005 Nissan X-Trail 4wd
    Alaskan Malamuthe on board!

    Les Escoumins and Petite-Riviere-St-Francois QC
  • ChucklecChucklec Member Posts: 16
    @newell and @Luckyj:  greatly appreciate your tips!  Looking forward heading north once the weather warms up.
    2018 T@G 320 S (silver on silver); TV=2016 Kia Sorento V-6 AWD
  • hymiehymie Member Posts: 150
    We are in the Ottawa area (rural). Any questions or help we can provide in this region- ask away!
    James & Jacquie     Almonte, Ontario
    2016 Jeep Cherokee & 2017 T@B Outback
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2018
    I would try to include NY Finger Lakes and Adirondack Park, VT Green Mts and NH Presidential (White) Mts on one leg of the loop.
    Have Fun!!

  • LuckyjLuckyj Member Posts: 286
    edited January 2018
    Good call on the white mountain too.  Hard choices witch is way better than no choice! 

    I forgot to add the possibility for free visit of some of the nicest dam that hydro quebec have to offer.  They aer near Baie-Comeau.  Manic 2 is 22 km from the city and manic 5 is 214 km from Baie-Comeau.
    2017 T@G Max Outback "Le Refuge"
    TV 2005 jeep TJ unlimited
    and/or 2005 Nissan X-Trail 4wd
    Alaskan Malamuthe on board!

    Les Escoumins and Petite-Riviere-St-Francois QC
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