After three seasons using the Ikea umbrella I've been searching for a slightly larger version and finally settled on one from Home Depot. At $135 it's not the great deal that the Ikea umbrella was, b… (View Post)
Thank you @Sharon_is_SAM. Best wishes for you and all of our nuCamp community. Had to stop for a picture of this just up the road from our home. =) (View Post)
Very smart @sportcoupe. Simple, but functional. I apologize for being one of those OCD folks. As only being a retired machinist with too much time on my hands, my "obsessions" should not be… (View Post)
The plastic tube guide serves no necessary purpose. Permanently removing it makes taking the jack on and off a very simple process. The only modification necessary to mount the Ultimate Jack on our … (View Post)
@Yoshi_TAB here's a link to the Victron webpage. Unless it goes from best to worst, there's no rating of methods that I can find anywhere on the page. The only comment is on the last method saying th… (View Post)