For @ObizzyB my thought was that the lower location would be an easier install and eliminate the dangling cord that you get when plugging in appliances under the upper cabinet. We have an outlet loc… (View Post)
Everything we use in our T@B (with exception to the AC) runs off 12V, so even when shore power is available, it may work better to use the GENIUS10 plugged into the pedestal and tied directly to the … (View Post)
Almost 70 but feeling the same as you @GigHarborTom. Still managing to do some things in retirement, they just take five times longer because of moving slow and fixing mistakes. Even so, taking on th… (View Post)
Although I agree with much of what @VictoriaP is saying, I wouldn't give up on the Alde yet. Like @Denny16, I don't think the maintenance is the issue. It's the inconsistencies and incompetence from … (View Post)