Is your Tab actually new? Or an earlier year? At any rate, ours was completely a pain to light right from the beginning. Though we were able to get it lit, it always took perseverance. it got more di… (View Post)
We put in a retrofit LED bulb when we first got the Tab. I tried a few before I found one that was dim enough. We wanted to avoid lighting the whole woods with it. Ours is an earlier Tab, so the fixt… (View Post)
Thanks @db_cooper, hope I didn't sound like I was jumping down your throat. I was rushing to prevent someone's catastrophic Alde explosion! =) (View Post)
@Cbusguy, I'm pretty sure that NuCamp does not monitor this user-group/forum. I believe the forum's only connection to NuCamp is that they provide the website, so that their customers and other folks… (View Post)