As a longtime member of an American Legion Post, I would encourage anyone wanting to display the flag to read The United Sates Flag Code and contact their local American Legion Post if you have any q… (View Post)
I was able to test last night and I am very impressed with the Alde. The only issue I had was that the Alde thermostat was reading 67 while my other thermometers were reading 62 (outside temp was 60)… (View Post)
So I got into my 320CSS and traced everything...see below. Heating circuit: Drivers side convector: Passenger side convector (boxed in with wood): Rear convector (boxed in by wood):Bathroom convector: (View Post)
Can you get antifreeze to fill all of the city water connection lines? That is why I suspect the Nautilus instructions say to blow out the city water connection along with pumping the lines with anti… (View Post)