This has been something I've been trying to figure out since we purchased our '21 320-CS (with Nautilus). We have never been camping for more then 7 days and drain everything at the end of each trip.… (View Post)
The clam shell will also draw power when open to keep the gas cutoff solenoid open. I place a small piece of cardboard in the switch housing to turn this off when boondocking with the clam shell open… (View Post)
I'll add practice! Spend as much as much time as you can in it at home "mock camping" and getting to know how all of the systems work. Hitch it up and take it for some rides around town and… (View Post)
I'd suggest getting the BB package regardless. If you intend to do any boondocking you will more than likely wish you had those additional AH's. (View Post)
The propane cutoff switch is a very significant draw. You definitely want to either limit how long you keep the clamshell open or make sure you look into options to switch it off when it's open. You … (View Post)