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Places we have camped with the T@B http://visitedstatesmap.com3/image/CAFLNVsm.jpg States I have been http://visitedstatesmap.com/image/ALAKAZARCACOCTDEFLGAHIILKYLAMDMAMSMONVNJNMNYNCOHORPASCTNTXUTVAsm.jpg Countries Visited <div id="mapdiv"></div> <div><a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.amcharts.com/visited_countries/">Create your own visited countries map</a> or check out the <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.amcharts.com/">JavaScript Charts</a>.</div> var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapdiv",{ type: "map", theme: "dark", projection: "mercator", panEventsEnabled : true, backgroundColor : "#535364", backgroundAlpha : 1, zoomControl: { zoomControlEnabled : true }, dataProvider : { map : "worldHigh", getAreasFromMap : true, areas : [ { "id": "AD", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "HR", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "FR", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "DE", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "IT", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "MC", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "NL", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "PT", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "RS", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "ES", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "CH", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "GB", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "AG", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "AW", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "BS", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "BB", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "BM", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "VG", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "CA", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "KY", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "CR", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "DO", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "GT", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "HT", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "MQ", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "MX", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "NI", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "PR", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "MF", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "SX", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "TT", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "US", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "VI", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "EC", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "CN", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "TH", "showAsSelected": true }, { "id": "VN", "showAsSelected": true } ] }, areasSettings : { autoZoom : true, color : "#B4B4B7", colorSolid : "#84ADE9", selectedColor : "#84ADE9", outlineColor : "#666666", rollOverColor : "#9EC2F7", rollOverOutlineColor : "#000000" } });