Another thing to consider is how the manufacturer stands behind their product. NuCamp builds a quality product and goes beyond what many offer to resolve issues. Nothing or no one is perfect, but som… (View Post)
@dsatwork keep a very close eye on any fires between Bellingham and Spokane. Eastern Washington now has an open fire burn ban going. It’s bone dry in many places, add the winds and it can get bad qui… (View Post)
@rkj__ someone here way back when suggested a great solution for backing up in the dark. Put a flashlight or lantern, etc, on the ground, drivers side of the spot you want to end up at. Then you can … (View Post)
@SueBC I use a padlock on the hitch, have a tire Maxx lock I almost never use, but carry. I recently installed an RVLock replacing the stock door lock, but it could probably be pried out if someone w… (View Post)
Congratulations and 🎉Happy Tab Day! I always carry a can of silicone spray. The hitch might be tight and stick when it’s new. Spray the everloving out of it, over and under to help it loosen up a bit… (View Post)