@Bracha Folks are trying to help and asking questions to fill in information which is unclear. The impression from your response is that you are being slighted. Don't at all take it that way. Debuggi… (View Post)
@GregChris The vendor parts not being up to snuff is a problem. The Supplier Quality job probably falls to Procurement at NuCamp. The volume consumed is not high enough for Dometic, etc to respond to… (View Post)
More red and less red for + and - would be dangerous and a recipe for damage. Hard to imagine this wiring choice even in the face of supply issues. White or Black are what I have seen for neutral/gro… (View Post)
It would be REALLY unusual to have a pair of + and - with one being more or less red than the other. It is more likely one of them is from the solar panel (or jack for one) and the other to the charg… (View Post)