Put the valves in the "Winterize position" that is shown right after the blow out sequence and then put the compressed air in to blow out the lines as described. One at a time open and clos… (View Post)
This post reminded me that I don't think I reported on this adaption. I replaced the included speed potentiometer with the same value but with a rotary switch attached. I then replaced the 3 speed sw… (View Post)
I've been dinking a lot with solar this summer learning both how to camp with electricity and how to collect solar energy. Much has been learned in the dark forests of the PNW that I hope to use this… (View Post)
Having discovered the same thing the 1st time I used it. I tried the leveling thing.... Don't, lulls you into a false sense of security before falling down... I sit at night during the normal (age re… (View Post)
Along with the manual I have a USB stick in the T@B with every on-line service information and manuals I can find. It includes information from this forum in many cases... (View Post)