In case there's confusion e.g. 75/15, the 75(volts) refers to the max open circuit input voltage from the array(s) added if series, the 15 (amps) refers to the battery's max charging current (this is… (View Post)
Victron has web articles about the "Victron Smart Networking" using the Bluetooth outputs from the SmartShunt and their MPPT controllers to integrate the battery charging. I agree the old w… (View Post)
As a newbie, my wife and I had our heads stuck in back under the cabinets thinking of how to organize and efficiently pack that long narrow channel. But as you know, keeping the top open while back t… (View Post)
I like the concept of my trailer integrated panel but it is not versatile enough for our PNW's trees/clouds environment. I'd like to optimize the features of the Victron networking for solar power co… (View Post)
Good choice on camper! As newbies also we've been trying to put all the little & big nooks and bins to best use. Will be interested in your mod. We had no stove cover but it soon came, I put it o… (View Post)