The picture isn't pretty (rainy) but I had some fiberglass tent poles I put together and created a tube in the opposite edge of the keder rail, same length as the what was in the rail. Then sewed tab… (View Post)
We thought we'd try just opening the back cabinets, since it's more comfortable to sleep anyway opened then putting the cushions on top.. This maybe temporary as our fallback is to put white velcro t… (View Post)
I'd replace the existing trailer battery first. To parallel the batteries as ScottG said will to some degree use the fresh battery's energy to recharge the depleted one and then have a smaller amount… (View Post)
On the 5 trips we've done since getting the trailer. They've all been 3-4 days AND we've never had a trailer so my observation is as a novice. We use eco-safe soap from our tenting days so the whole … (View Post)
First off, congrats to joining the community, we're new also. I'm wondering if for awhile as we work through the 2021 version birthing pains we put the year in the header for unique items? With our n… (View Post)