@PNWtabber . . . . If it was my trailer (which is covered) I would indeed make sure the cover was not 'covering' the Adle exhaust . . . but I would not remove the entire cover. Just make sure the ven… (View Post)
Wow, that Dave S. article (web-blog-post) has created a bunch of discussion . . . One FB comment correctly noted the article was just "One Owners Opinion" . . . I was also disappointed that… (View Post)
Fully understand . . we all had to learn to live with it . . . On the Plus side - - ONCE you understand how the Alde System works you will love it!
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:) :) Yep, use a flashlight . . . remove the cap, shine flashlight down the filler hole . . . level will be easy to see. You might also consider using a black marker to highlight the min/max lines. (View Post)
=) =) Yep, Alde system is something special. Vistabule is a nice looking/feature true teardrop - - - but I could never accept not having a bathroom, so 320S is super nice + Alde heat :) (View Post)