IMHO . . . stop over thinking the situation . . . Go CAMPING and see what happens, worse case you will have a night or two of 'Gosh we don't have power" but you will be Okay (survive) after a fe… (View Post)
IMHO . . . everyone is trying to second guess the Dexter Design Team. Using the EZ-Lube is the same as a hand repack. That is what it was designed to do . . . refresh the bearing grease without havin… (View Post)
- = - Soapbox - = - IMHO Wheel Bearings are not coming from the Factory with too little Grease Many posting in this thread comment " there wasn't much grease in there" or some similar remar… (View Post)
@ReenieG Believe the resistor is "used as pulldown" on a uP controller telling it a bit is set to zero. No current draw - - any wattage resistor will be fine. (View Post)
I-5 Routing was 'by design' to get clear of the cold and possible snow-zone as quickly as possible within my typical maximum miles/day traveling. I've done the 101 coast a couple of times during sum… (View Post)