While not a full feature
Boondock/Outback my T@B has the pitched axle and front rack
(Outback platform). Have one Tongue Weight data point with T@B Coupler at towing height: Tongue Weight 204 pounds… (View Post)
@WABetty,Just for fun I did a more detailed look at possible real-world towing conditions and the use of 3,500# rated tow vehicles . . . using your RAV4 Adventure as the example . . . Real World Fact… (View Post)
Agree more factory instructions on how different Panel Setting interact would be helpful. Have seen Facebook Posts that claim Hot Water is hotter on Propane than 120VAC. I've not done controlled tes… (View Post)
Don't forget axle loading.Do suspect the T@B 400 will require more owners to consider weight distribution hitch systems than we have seen on the lighter 320 models. While everyone checks tow vehicle … (View Post)