Minor update: Today I tried the 'light test' . . . . for leak detection All lights on in the cabin, see if any light is coming out well after dark . . . But of course there is no smoking gun. Not a b… (View Post)
:) :) Yep, use a flashlight . . . remove the cap, shine flashlight down the filler hole . . . level will be easy to see. You might also consider using a black marker to highlight the min/max lines. (View Post)
For your Permanent solution. You might consider mounting the outlet as nüCamp does on the 320S. There is a lot more working room for the hidden parts of the outlet. (View Post)
@ObizzyB ; I like the simple approach as noted by @AnOldUR, that is use the available outlets and a quality extension cord. That said, I am surprised the 2018-yr units don't have a 120VAC outlet for … (View Post)
Review this discussion thread:https://tab-rv.vanillacommunity.com/discussion/comment/125565#Comment_125565 Check out my Sep-07 comment on the above thread. Disconnecting +12VDC seems to clear false e… (View Post)