@PNWtabber ; Maybe but your tank might be cleaner by dumping now as the Happy Camp has been busy eating everything it can find in the 2-gallons of water now there. (View Post)
If it were my rig I would dump the black tank into a bucket. Then add another dose of Happy Camper and about 1-gallon of RV Water System anti-freeze. Standard anti-freeze is good for -20F so you coul… (View Post)
So far I've only completed part of my Visual Inspection for Water Entry points. And have found two promising spots in the wheel well area. I'm still in the process of removing the belly air-flow shie… (View Post)
@Maple_Geek ; I've also searched for free or reasonable one-time-price Electrical Wiring CAD. Have never found anything. While there are several options of CAD tools for electronic (PCB) and mechanic… (View Post)
Just a web-search history - - - better source than my PNW History memory. The cape was named on July 6, 1788, by British fur trader John Meares . . . He mistook the mouth of the Columbia River for a… (View Post)