It may well be approaching the point to Stop Trailer Daydreaming, find a new obsession. Why? Casita rigs have been very high on my next trailer list. This past weekend I actually was in one (2021) an… (View Post)
Correct for Li-Ion Battery in bulk changing mode of the two-stage profile. Remember, as this and dozens of other posts across every RV Forum - - - the Auto-Detect needs a near dead battery to 'auto … (View Post)
I use several different size/shape plastic food storage bins/containers {cheap TupperWare} without the lids. I also cut large holes in the container side walls and bottoms to allow cool air flow. Sma… (View Post)
Interesting. Looks like the bonding that held the sleeve in place has failed. Removing the base (since you never use it) will of course leave a sidewall hole to fill/cover/seal. My 320S uses the same… (View Post)
CheapRVliving rarely has TAB or TAB like trailer stories as it focuses more on DIY Van Conversions, etc. This story is fun to watch as TAB Owner is very new to the TAB Family and does a nice job of m… (View Post)