In June 21 there was a post stating thar the Rhomar product was the only approved (by Alde) fluid for use in the system The current edition of the Alde manual dated 2022-09 (date found on back cover)… (View Post)
Our procedure is to flush well in the spring with a dose of bleach. Consumable water is first filtered with a Camco taste pure filter when filling the tank. On board there is a 3M AP 200 filter insta… (View Post)
The awning in the pic is simple and works well; takes less than 10 min to set up; withstands a good breeze; and looks good. It measures about 12 ft X 7-6 ft. It required about 15 ft of keder tape; 10… (View Post)
The metals being protected by the secret ingredient, I understand to include aluminum and stainless steel. So any such fluid must be able to protect them. I believe the phrase ‘heat transfer fluid’ c… (View Post)
A good suggestion, or a good grill ? 😀 We have been using a Coleman tabletop model that fits into a Woods zip up bag . It is small, a neat and tidy unit, but not great as a bbq. Mostly we cook on a p… (View Post)