I did not switch out the older WFCO converter on our T@B. Too many problems with the new "Auto Detect" WFCO. Not worth the money or the headaches. Instead I added a Victron Smart Charger t… (View Post)
I put two Samsungs in my motorhome that ran on 12 volts. Look for the ones with the power brick on the cord. The back of the TV where the power cord plugs in should say 14V but they ran fine on the 1… (View Post)
I'm waiting for my estimate now. Since the roof on mine is one big aluminum sheet from front to back and the only way to get the dents out properly would be to remove and replace the entire roof incl… (View Post)
Days or weeks does not make any difference with LiFEo4 batteries. Long term (several months, over Winter) you can store them at any level you want but 50% is usually recommended. (View Post)