Y2Kdaddio, we also have a 2012 L and made some changes you might want to consider. We too found it difficult to access the storage area under the boards at the back cabinet floor so we made an access… (View Post)
On our T@B hooking water from a spigot to the city water inlet does not fill the tank. We can only fill the tank by using the tank filler. However, both the tank outlet and the city water connection … (View Post)
Sounds like the battery was discharged. Odd the driving lights didn't work when hooked to the TV as they are independent of the T@B battery. Perhaps you have an intermittent ground, this would preven… (View Post)
The issue with an extension is that it increases the effective weight on the hitch. The bicycles add to the issue. The combination will likely continue to tow well. However where it turns up as less … (View Post)
You may want to unplug your power from the car to be sure your car battery doesn't drain BUT be sure to REPLUG to the car in the morning!!!! We learned from experience that a disconnected power cord … (View Post)