I'm curious. Did you disassemble the old one? There are a couple of small pressure ports in there (in addition to the main diaphragm) that can be replaced. Perhaps they, not the diaphragm, were the i… (View Post)
Just finished my popcorn. An interesting thread for sure. As I have a T@G trailer my tire requirements are much different than a 320 or 400 but some aspects are the same. First, I put over 40,000 mil… (View Post)
I've been off way more than that for a long time. Gives the world a whole different perspective. And.....it's handy for negotiating life's sidehills.... WilliamA (View Post)
I never allow myself to be held to any standard but my own. Living to my standard is difficult, but achievable. Living to someone else's standard is the surest way I know to disappointment. WilliamA (View Post)
Interesting... I will be doing a bit more research on this. I had just about decided on the mini-max but here's another option. I prefer a standard forced air furnace and had crossed off the t@b as i… (View Post)