We use a Makita vacuum (which is quite similar to @elbolillo's) since my other tools are theirs. If you have cordless power tools, check out whatever 'stick' vac option that brand has. (View Post)
That Harbor Freight basket is about 30 lbs all by itself (a bit heavier than the MaxHaul version), before any actual cargo. The roof is not rated to carry much load. It's easy for me to imagine going… (View Post)
If you are up to this: temporarily disconnect one of the batteries charge up the other. Once one is topped off, reconnect the other. Perhaps the charger will not “try so hard” to deliver its full out… (View Post)
Our 2020 XT + 2018 CSS has been great for us. Going over the Sierra passes and climbing the long grade in Death Valley was just fine. It’s been stable when crossing the windy sections of the Sacramen… (View Post)
@CharlieRN Rooftab (T@btop?) solar keeps our 200 Ah of lithium fully charged. In fact I disconnect the solar during those all-too-frequent times of “not camping” to keep them about half full. Turning… (View Post)