I have said for years I would love to see them partner with a retailer and make a themed version like the Eddie Bauer Airstream (Thenpartnered with Pendelton for the NPS 100 limited edition) or Wool… (View Post)
Robbing vehicles parked at trailheads is a pretty regular occurrence, sadly. You might go a long time and be OK but you never know when a criminal will strike. (View Post)
I am need of repairing mine. A wind gusts at üCamp pulled the catch right out of the wall. From what I u understand, some toothpicks, silicon, and larger screws will create a tighter fit. (View Post)
I think they are more competing with Lance and other fiberglass trailers. I am not sure Airstream really competes with anyone. I love the changes in the new prototype and would consider trading up. … (View Post)