I had the same problem with the loss of height when I installed a wooden slat floor. I removed it and replaced it with a "loofah bath mat". It fit perfect, non-slip and excellent drainage w… (View Post)
I'd recommend a battery maintainer with a desulfation feature. This avoids running the converter for months just for a float voltage and provides some battery reconditioning in addition. (View Post)
The water pump draws relatively high current. If your battery is marginal it could easily pull the system voltage too low for the other loads to operate. When connected to shore power the converter h… (View Post)
Very low battery voltage would limit or disable the Victron functionality and certainly Bluetooth. This would also explain the no power situation. Do you have another volt meter? (View Post)
I have a seasonal cabin and a rural home that require rodent control. Over many years I have found Tomcat mouse blocks the most effective and convenient. I buy them by the bucket full but they make t… (View Post)