Many electrical issues are substantially easier to sort out with an Amp Clamp style meter. Some include a multimeter as part of the same instrument. There are several adequate models available in the… (View Post)
I sounds to me like the "radio fuse" is also powering the gas detector and USB/12v outlets. Unless those are disconnected you will see ~.2-.3 amp draw. I removed the televisions. No Alde in… (View Post)
MuttonChops Very nice description and diagram. I completely agree... My experience with a WFCO not switching to Li was the charging was extremely slow. Many days to move 2 x 100 AH LiFePO4 batteries … (View Post)
I had the same problem with the loss of height when I installed a wooden slat floor. I removed it and replaced it with a "loofah bath mat". It fit perfect, non-slip and excellent drainage w… (View Post)