@LauraP Your best bet would be to have your dealer call nüCamp to find out where your unit is in the production schedule. When your order was placed it was assigned a build date. Your dealer should b… (View Post)
Jo3 We will try to answer your questions. Production seems to be on schedule beginning with three trailers per week early this year and ramping up to twenty per week by the end of the year per Scott … (View Post)
We tried a outdoor rug from WalMart, for a while, but you have to roll it up for storage, and when it gets wet it's a mess. While shopping at a Camping World we came across a woven plastic rug that w… (View Post)
The refrigerator is currently positioned over the axle. One consideration with the proposal to move it forward from it's current position is that it would then have a negative impact on the tongue we… (View Post)