It would be quite a bit easier to simply apply 12vdc to the brake and see if it actuates. If it doesn't then you immediately know where the problem is. If it does then you would resort to testing the… (View Post)
1)...only if you blow a seal or if you have a blown seal. Since you do not have the service history of the axle you might be well served to pull the drum and have a look to determine if there are an… (View Post)
In modern production planning the objective is "lean" inventory...lean means no excess stock to the floor, no inventory carried or stored and ideally materials delivered to the line as nee… (View Post)
Be careful if you decide to use locking lug nuts...they are notorious for stripping rendering your wheels un-removable when you need to take them off. A flat tire repair on the side of a busy road is… (View Post)
If someone wants it, they will take it...all security does is slow down the process and possibly discourage a thief by making the theft a nuisance. A word of caution about locking lug face v… (View Post)