
Furnace issue t@b 2004 T16

Hi all,

Just joined and just became a T@B owner.

I recently purchased a 2004 T@B T16 and the issue I am having is that the furnace works sometimes and others it does not work at all.  With LP turned on, I turn the on/off switch on the thermostat to the ON position and turn up the thermostat lever on the bottom of it.  Sometimes this will immediatly kick on the heater and fan and it works great.  Other times it simply does nothing.  The fan does not kick on and obviously no heat.  This is the case whether plugged into shore power or on battery.  I am startign to wonder if it has anything to do with the charge left in the battery however when it does not work all of the lights / charging ports work fine.  I have never had the batteries die so that nothing works.  I have left the heater turned on for long periods of time (2-4 hours) to see if it will eventually start and it never comes on.   However the last camping trip we did this last weekend it worked flawlessly.  I should also mention that in the times when the furnace simply will not come on, the stove top works fine.  So does not seem to be an LP issue. 

Am I missing something?  :)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Todd V


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