Solved: Water pump not shutting off

Kr@ckenKr@cken Member Posts: 146
Thank you for your advice in advance. On a recent trip I noticed that when I turned on my water pump it would not stop cycling. It will pump out water just will not shut down. Here are the things I have already tried on my 2020 T@B 320 BD with all original plumbing.
1) Cleaned filter at pump intake
2) Confirmed all water connections I could reach were tight
3) Checked for any water leaks. None
4) Tipped T@B nose down and let it sit (Someone suggested that might help)
5) Confirmed fresh water tank was full
6) Drained Alde and refilled it. 

It was during the refill of the Alde that I noticed the outdoor shower was not turning on. I confirmed the hose was not kinked or tucked in a way that was blocking water flow. Turned both faucets all the way and back again. Took off the nozzle to check for blockage or dirt.  I haven’t actually used it except to run during filling Alde so that flow was always minimum. I checked all the connections with a small mirror just in case it might catch air leaking out that I couldn't see. No luck. So now I am stuck. 

Sorry for the long post but wanted to give as much information as possible. Any advice from all you wise and knowing T@Bber’s?

2020 T@B 320 Boondock
Factory Victron Solar, Norcold 3 way Fridge
Clueless about everything electronic
2020 Subaru Ascent 
Bainbridge Island, Wa


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,780
    edited September 2020
    Fill your fresh tank.  Then, hook up to city water, flush the toilet and open your taps and fill the Alde - this should get rid of the air in all your lines in short order. Then disconnect the city water.  Then, turn on your pump and open a tap.  Also, look for cracks in the pump’s black filter housing.

    The shower hose has been a problem.  Try not to pull it all the way out which tends to set a kink in the hose.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Kr@ckenKr@cken Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2020
    Thanks!  Should I drain what is already in the Alde and start empty? There is no kink in the hose. I opened the bench and double checked that it is clear. How do you know when the Alde is filled?
    2020 T@B 320 Boondock
    Factory Victron Solar, Norcold 3 way Fridge
    Clueless about everything electronic
    2020 Subaru Ascent 
    Bainbridge Island, Wa
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,780
    No, just hook up to city water and open your hot tap to fill the Alde.  When the hot tap stops sputtering, the Alde water tank is filled.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Kr@ckenKr@cken Member Posts: 146
    Once again I am saved by my fellow camper. It worked. I wasn’t filling the tank on city water. It took a while on city water for the shower to run so perhaps there was air in that part of the system. I noticed in all the Alde instructions and my NuCamp manual that it just says “fill hot water tank” and no guidance on how to do that. I really appreciate your time and expertise. 
    2020 T@B 320 Boondock
    Factory Victron Solar, Norcold 3 way Fridge
    Clueless about everything electronic
    2020 Subaru Ascent 
    Bainbridge Island, Wa
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,780
    Whenever we know that we are headed out to a non-water campsite, we hook up to city water at home and fill the lines and Alde water tank.  When we enter the park we fill the fresh water tank.  That way you don’t use 2.5 gallons from your fresh water tank to fill the Alde water tank and your pump is ready to go!
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • TresK3TresK3 Member Posts: 66
    As another newbie, I just learned a whole lot from this exchange!  Thanks to both of you.  :}
    2019 Tab 400 Boondock Lite
    2017 Dodge Durango AWD with Tow Package IV
    A can of Skyline Chili in the pantry
  • BrianZBrianZ Member Posts: 1,765
    And it's a good reminder for the non-newbie as well.
    "Pre-fill & Pre-chill"!
    -Brian in Chester, Virginia
    TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
    RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods 
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