
2019 t@b 400 BDL - replacing the kitchen table. Storage for laptop

Recently had to order some parts (reading light, etc.) for our t@b 400 and while on the phone with nucamp,, I learned the t@b 400 2020 had a new table.  It's a few inches shorter but a lot lighter in weight.  Our old table was basically two 3/4" sheets of plywood stabled together with a laminate top and sides.  Anyone who has taken this table out, knows it is heavy.  Well, the new one (it did not come with a leg, so I removed the old one) my wife can carry with one hand. 
Another mod we want is a means to secure/store our macbook laptop and ipad under the table.  I came up with a basic design and first contacted a 3d print company.  They wanted $500 so that was a no go.  Contacted a cabinet maker and he said 3-6 weeks and that was a no go.  Emailed my brother-in-law and he said no worries.  I can make it out of aluminum and the price for materials only is $68.  Took him 30-mins.  I attached a picture for you guys. 
Now here is the challenge.  If I was mounting this on the old table, I would just use wood screws, but the interior of the new table is harden foam; except where the brackets to the wall are attached and the pedestal for the leg.  Doing some research, I think some subfloor adhesive might work. 
2019 T@B 400 BDL
2020 Ford F-150 XLT (V-8)
Niceville, Florida
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