I am getting close to ordering a TAB 400 and can't quite decide on fridge option. I plan to primarily camp off grid so leading towards 2 way but can't find any info on power consumption of the 12v fridge. Does anyone know? Also what is capacity of the factory solar panel? The NuCamp video says 160 watts but dealer is telling me 110. Do the factory twin 6v AGM batteries handle the 2 way fridge without plugging in a generator every day or two?
Any advice on deciding 2 way vs 3 way would be most appreciated. I keep hearing differing opinions and can't figure out best solution. Thanks!
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2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado
Also, the TaB 400 Solo model has a larger compressor fridge, a little smaller than the larger absorption fridge option. We looked at this model, but decided we wanted the larger wardrobe cabinet, and the smaller 2-way is large enough for our needs. You can augment the smaller fridge with a classic cooler (we use a Yeti) or a 12-VDC chest type cooler running off your TV battery.
A lot of TaB400 owners with the 3-way absorption fridge regret getting thst option as it is not efficient in 12 fold mode, and does not keep food cold in hot weather in propane mode. There are several discussions here about the fridge options.
I'd check it for you, but the snow is getting too deep to get out to it!
Maybe in the spring...
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
The 12v fridge we use in the Tab 400 is the Isotherm CR65EL. Isotherm has good datasheets available for their refrigerators and according to their testing, this fridge will consume 275 watts on average over a 24 hour period in 77°F ambient temps.
So about 23 amps over 24 hour. That is pretty good I think.
One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
Edit: oh wait, you were referring to the 2-way model - my bad!
@ChanW thanks for the offer - I might get my unit in a couple months and try it out myself once I get the Victron monitor installed - will report back what I see (let me know if you beat me to it). I might just geek out and create a whole table for the '21 Tab 400 of various device consumptions - there's one out there already but it's for an older unit with a 2 way fridge.