Good Morning T@B Forum! After waiting some 7 months, we have finally picked up our T@B 400 over the Independence Day holiday weekend. It is SO much better camping in a 400 rather than just thinking about camping in one.
Our dealer did a great job on the walk through and even helped setting up our brake controller correctly. We stayed the night at a nearby state park with the idea to really look over the T@B for any issues. If we found anything we would return to the dealership the next morning (avoiding a potential 450 mile round trip for a warranty repair). So after a evening of turning things on/off, opening closing drawers, doors, checking plumbing connections...we could only find that the AC works too well and had to keep turning it down.
We are very impressed with our camper! Kudos to NuCamp, the factory 400 build team and Dana @ Missouri Teardrop Trailers.
As I was loading this picture, I noticed the factory fresh green "inspected" sticker on the door window. Minnie Pearl look out!
Heading out again this weekend. We will see y'all out there, and we'll leave the light on.
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk V6
veni, vidi, bibi capulus
One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
@xdr we are out again this weekend staying at beaver lake just south across the state line from Tablerock/Branson. If you do get back, try Dogwood Canyon for a day trip, just beautiful area run by bass pro/big cedar lodge folks. lots to do there you can rent atv, bikes, horses, even a trout guide.
One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk V6
veni, vidi, bibi capulus