2022 400: TV only works on AC power or with inverter on

So this is a change from my 2019 400. I used to be able to use the tv without turning on the power inverter. Is mine wired incorrectly maybe? 


  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 553
    Possibly. Check if it's even a 12V TV, with the supply chain issues nuCamp might have subbed in a 120V model. There should be a label on the back. 
  • I bet that's it.  I see it plugged into the outlet under the tv so that says it's AC.  Oh well happy to have a TV so I will roll with it! Guess I could switch it out later if I start boondocking alot more.  
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 834
    edited February 2022
    I'm thinking of switching out the AC powered tv for the 12volt model so I don't have to run the inverter to watch tv while boondocking.  I'm attaching a pic of the outlet below the tv and the plug you see inserted is the tv plug.  My question is, since there are USB outlets in the outlet, does that mean 12 volt power is there? USB is 5volt though isn't it?  I'm thinking I could switch this outlet to a 12 volt outlet and if the 12 volt power is already there it would be fairly easy right? 

    The Jensen 12 volt tv comes with a 12 volt plug (and bare hard wires) so if I can switch this plug out for a 12 volt it would be easy peasy to switch the tv.  The hard wire option isn't that difficult to do either, but just trying to figure out best approach. 

    What would be the process to just leave this outlet and add a 12 volt receptacle near this outlet? I would have to add a wire to the circuit breaker box I guess and run it to the location?

    Maybe its easier to just run the bare wires (with ring connectors added) straight to the "Stinger" disto box? Or, maybe I could add this 12 volt adapter hooked direct to the stinger box? 

  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    Tabby, do you have the smaller AC/DC Fridge?  If so, there will be a 12VDC feed behind the angle panel close to the floor for the Fridge, which you could tap and pull up to the TV.  That is how the earlier TaB400s were wired.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • no, unfortunately I have the big fridge on the opposite. Good thought though!
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