Tongue Weights and Weight Distribution Info

Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,797
Communications and references regarding TaB tongue weights and use of a weight distribution hitch.
Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,797
    Letter from nuCamp CEO Scott Hubel regarding T@B tongue weights specifically the 2019 T@B 400. 

    Shared in the T@B 400 Weight Distribution Hitch Not Recommended due to C-Channel Construction here:

    March 8, 2019

    To our nüCamp family & T@B Community…

     While it took a while for word to get to me - and then for me to get adequate resources to address this issue - I wanted to take the time to speak to it directly.

     Every 400 (or T@B, T@G, Cirrus for that matter) will vary slightly based on the package (standard or boondock) and options (microwave, solar, inverter, fridge type) selected.  Furthermore, there will be a slight variance based on wood composition, screws, butyls, adhesives, etc…as the density and total amounts employed can fluctuate moderately from build to build.

     We make changes each spring with the release of model year adjustments, as well as something that we term as ‘running changes.’  These changes are typically not visually noticeable, but we consider them to be important enough in terms of regulation or function, that we employ them immediately.

     For the most ‘up to date’ verification, I had our lead in QC and Master Tech, Marvin Raber, conduct several tests – on 4 different units each with different configurations – both wet and dry.  Below are the results:












    Tongue Weights




    Standard Unit

    Dry Weight

    Wet Weight




    With 2-Way Fridge






    With 3-Way Fridge






    Boondock Package




    With 2-Way Fridge






    With 3-Way Fridge













    Dry Weight - Empty LP Tank, Empty Fresh Tank




    Wet Weight - Full LP Tank, FullFresh Water








    LP Storage Tubs (both ABS or Diamond Plate) on-board




    Spare Tire mounted under LP Storage Tub




    Leveled at 16" for Standard Unit




    Leveled at 20" for Boondock Unit




    Entry Door Closed - left open resulted in 4lb overstatement




    Fresh tank near rear, so weight does not change significantly These units did not have microwaves (add approx. 6lbs)




    Individual Weights:




    Diamond Plate Boondock LP Tub





    Regular ABS LP Tub





    15" Spare Tire












    With that said, the published tongue weight of 457lbs on the website is considered as accurate – with the variable described above.  Those specifications were recalculated the second half of last year. 

     The units used for this test were recently off the production line.  The scales employed are digital, manufacturing based, high quality scales we recently purchased to be used across all of our production lines.  As such, this is the most accurate information that can be presented – from any resource.

     With respect to questions about Weight Distribution Hitches (WDH) and Sway Bars, it is our position that they can be valuable, when used properly in conjunction with your tow vehicle.  While not required, should you feel the necessity of a WDH in order to maximize towing capacity, we would advise the bolt-on/link style for our NORCO C-Channel Chassis.  These devices maximize the towing performance of your vehicle.  They cannot render an unqualified vehicle to tow above its towing capacity.  We always refer owners to check their vehicle’s owner’s manual for towing capacity.

     We will be engaging in specification updates across all lines once again this spring.  We have had several component changes as well as core material changes that will affect weights on the different units.  As we have grown over the years there have been many changes.  We are still playing catch up in several areas – and keeping our specifications up to date has been one that didn’t get enough attention.  Last year we were able to take our focus away from growing our production volumes and turn our gaze to the finer details.  We are improving day by day – and you are the inspiration for it.  We want to build the best units possible, equip you with the most accurate information and deliver the best customer service.  We love each and every one of you and truly see you as family.

     Feel free to reach out to our Customer Service Department -  - with questions, comments, praise, criticism, etc…  Communication is vital to us being a healthy community.

     Have a Wonderful Weekend,


    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
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