Victron settings for Deka Intimidator 8A24M AGM battery

We have 2021 320s Boondock version with solar panels and victron controllor. Upgraded to Deka Intimidator 8A24M AGM becaues we found it difficult to run fridge more than a couple of days. Didnt know what I was doing so chose the only AGM battery type I could see in the victron app - AGM spiral cell. Things were fine but we did discharge down to about 20% and ever since that the battery really doesnt hold its charge. Hope we didnt bust the battery first time out!
Now I found specs for the battery but Im not sure what the values mean and what to use. All I can see listed are CCA @ 0F = 525, Reserve Capacity = 135, Ref. MCA = 800 and 20AH rate 79. On the battery it also states Charge/Absorption/Equalization;  13.8-14.6volts and Float/Standby; 13.4-13.6.
So considering I have been using Factory preset and AGM spiral with Equalization of 16.2 that seems way too high.
So, have I ruined the battry? and what changes should I make in the victron app - how about Expert mode (I certainly am no expert!) and Automatic Equalization?


  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2022
    From what I understand equalization is turned off by default regardless of setting (presumably to prevent batteries from being damaged if the user doesn't use the correct setting). If it is turned on then the battery might already have sustained damage although for it to happen it would need to reach a state suitable for equalization. That's not likely to happen with the trailer in use and the small solar panel. 

    Edit: Only flooded wet cell batteries should use equalization, so do not turn it on in the app. 
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,770
    Your reserve capacity is only about 55 AHrs.  You only have 25 Ahrs to use before needing to recharge.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2022
    Your reserve capacity is only about 55 AHrs.  You only have 25 Ahrs to use before needing to recharge.
    This myth is perpetuated all over RV related forums on the Internet. If a battery is rated at 135 minutes reserve capacity at 25A load it certainly can supply 55 Ah in a T@b that rarely pulls more than 5 amps unless the inverter is used. As a rule of thumb I can pull 600Wh (about 50 Ah) out of my deep-cycle lead acid battery. The Peukert effect is your friend here :smile: 
    It is true though that a lead-acid battery does not live long if it frequently gets discharged close to maximum capacity. Personally I go camping to have fun, not to nurse the maximum lifespan out of a battery. If wanted to improve both lifetime and useable capacity I'd go LiFePo4. 
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