Experience with changing over Glycol to Rhomar

GherzigGherzig Member Posts: 100
I would be interested in hearing others' experiences in switching Glycol to the new Rhomar.
Here is mine:
My T@b 400 is an early built 2021 so was eligible for the free "recall" changeover.  I contacted NuCamp and even though I purchased my trailer used, they said it was still eligible.  There are apparently only 2 NuCamp dealers in all of New York State.  The closest to me (1.5 hours) turned out to be a very small dealer (perhaps a half dozen employees) that only sold and serviced small teardrop type trailers.  The T@b 400 may be their biggest.  Very nice folks who readily told me that this would be their first time doing this procedure.  I felt better when one of their employees told me that  the mechanic had attended a training on this at NuCamp.  At least until the mechanic said to me, "But that was months ago".  The procedure took a good part of the day because I was told that the mechanic wanted to go slow, follow the directions, and make sure he got it right.  

It is always a tough decision whether to go with the big guys with lots of experience or work with a small outfit.  I feel like a made the right decision and was fortunate to find these folks.  Time will tell.

Right now, I am happy with NuCamp and with the dealer.
2021 T@b 400 Boondock
       Oneonta, NY


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