Mod - Quick and Easy 'Removable' Mast Mount for Starlink

While Starlink 'Dishy' transceiver units come with a basic quad-pod base stand, I figure that there will be times when I'm camping where I need to get the Dishy unit elevated on a boom to receive good service. Finding a lightweight carbon-fiber adjustable 25' boom was pretty easy, but tripods of sufficient size to hold the boom seemed too bulky to bother with when towing my T@b with my SUV.

So...PVC pipe to the rescue! The carbon fiber boom I purchased from GigaParts fits perfectly into a 2" (internal diameter) PVC pipe, which was easily mounted to the T@b's cargo deck using bar clamp kits intended for lightbars and other 'offroad' type vehicle mods. One set of clamps went on the PVC, the other on the n-shaped bar on the cargo deck, and the two were joined with 3/8 inch bolts. With this setup, I can insert the boom and fully extend it / drop it and remove it when on the road in less than a minute.

Parts list:
I highly recommend the mast - it's shockingly light, and only 70" long when collapsed.
Northern VA
2022 T@b 320 S / 2021 Subaru Outback


  • CJaxCJax Member Posts: 62
    This is awesome! Only question before I follow your lead and order the parts: when the mast is extended, does a modest breeze make it sway enough to affect the signal?

    2021 T@B 400 Boondock 'Valhalla'
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk V6
    veni, vidi, bibi capulus
  • techietabtechietab Member Posts: 161
    @CJax - Haven't noticed a problem when using it in a breeze with the mast fully extended at home, though I did observe issues related to obstructions (lots of trees around; could watch the signal drop sometimes while monitoring Starlink satellite position where the line of sight to the satellite was behind a tree, and watch the signal restore when the satellite moved above the tree cover).

    When camping I've never needed to extend the boom above 6-10 feet above the camper rooftop anyway, which significantly reduces sway.
    Northern VA
    2022 T@b 320 S / 2021 Subaru Outback
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 576
    Similar to the mod I did for my outside TV antenna last Winter except everything stays in place, nothing to store and I only needed the PVC. Would be harder to do with a Starlink antenna due to wind resistance.
    Did you use 2" plumbing PVC or 2" Electrical PVC? (different inside diameters)
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
    2025 Sportsmen 130RD
    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
  • techietabtechietab Member Posts: 161
    2" plumbing.
    Northern VA
    2022 T@b 320 S / 2021 Subaru Outback
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