bypass 2023 for winterizing?

Brand new to this and traveling some distance to winterize new 2023 320S for the first time and a little unsure about process.

There seems to be no 2023 owner's manual.  The 2022 manual says:
  1. Turn the Alde Bypass valve in the Nautilus compartment to the “Bypass” setting. This will keep antifreeze from getting into the Alde boiler and Flow unit (if equipped). This is very important! The Bypass valve must stay in bypass setting

    until the camper is ready to de-winterize/sanitize/flush the system. This is typically in the spring after there is no more risk of freezing.

    There is NO mention of this in the Nucamp Techtalk 2023 winterizing video. The Nautilus website only says "Make sure you BY-PASS your water heater if your unit requires it."

    Is this unnecessary in a 2023?  My understanding is that the system is behind the toilet.

    Many thanks! 


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