Hey Y'all

RTWCTSRTWCTS Member Posts: 141
edited February 2023 in Introductions
Long time readers/new subscribers to this forum.
A bit about us: We toured the country in a TAB 320 during  the  'go-go' stage of empty nest time, racing the wind and chasing the sun (hence the acronym for the username). It seems for years we did little more than slow down enough to take a few pictures. We're ready for longer stays at each location now that the 'slow-go' stage is setting in. Sold the 320 last year and spent months looking at everything available to us for future adventure. We have a 2023 TAB 400 Boondock arriving from Sugarcreek to our dealer in early March.
Looking forward to asking (and answering) TAB questions, as we've learned much though just reading.
2023 TAB 400 Boondock
2018 T@B 320 Sold
Racing the Wind and Chasing the Sun


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