Trailer jacking rig- tubesteel fabrication

MaxcampMaxcamp Member Posts: 287
edited May 2023 in Modifications & Upgrades
The two 3/16" x 6" bent plate jacking points on the trailer axle are unsuited to safely hold a jack and stand.
I've also found that most jacks sited under the lifting point are too wide and hit the tire. 

I made this jacking rig as a long term tool in order to safely jack both sides and work at/under camper for long periods.
(To fix a factory defective brakewire installation... another story. Note the red jacketed cable that can rub the tire on numerous campers.)

1/4" x2"x3" A36 tubesteel, 3/16"x1x1 angle x 6" long end register stops to keep it from shifting laterally; 2-3/8" ID x 1" long sch.40 pipe rings to register and hold this heavy assembly atop a pair of hydraulic post jacks.   I don't want auto jacks on wheels that allow the entire trailer to move with me under it.

2021 T@B 320S Boondock/ 2012 Tacoma 4 cylinder truck / 2023 Tacoma 6 cyl. truck


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