I put some foam bumper material around the wood frame for our Maxxair vent fan and I also wanted to replace the 3-winged knob with something less likely to leave a divot in my head. I found a couple of 3D-printable .stl files at Thingiverse. One was a slightly modified version of the standard 3-winged Maxxair Maxxfan knob. The other file had a round knob for use with another Maxxair fan model. I merged the round knob from one file with the pull-down shaft element from the other. I received the 3D printed part from Shapeways today and, to my great surprise, it fits and works (this is the first time I've remixed a 3D design). I specified
Dark Gray PA12 Glass Beads for the printing material. Since I just installed the knob, I don't know how the material will work for longevity. With shipping, my part cost about $30.
The STL mashup I created is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6387229
These images show the installation:

Above: the standard wingnut has intersected with my head several times. When you remove the screw and the knob assembly, transfer the cast metal shaft to the new knob. It will click into place.

Above: the material has a textured finish. Provides a good grip for adjusting the vent cover.

Above: the wood frame on our 2023 320 S BD gouged my head several times. I installed a foam bumper using this kit from Amazon
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B2V22QM4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 It looks like NuCamp was able to mount the new ceiling fan without a wood frame in the new 2024 320 trailer. That should improve head clearance and reduce head banging. From videos, it looks like the knob is now round and NuCamp has oriented it kitty-corner so that it's out of the main traffic area (video image capture below).
2020 Audi SQ5
2020 Audi SQ5
2023 T@B 320 S Boondock