2006 T@b - bad choice?

I’m going to look at an ‘06 T@b. I’m wondering if this is a bad choice. Are there more problems than it’s worth with the Dutchmen ones? 

This will be my first trailer so I’m really trying to do my research. I’ll be a single muddle-aged woman traveling solo. 

I believe that it has been stored outside.  It is an estate sale. 
If the floor is at all soft should I run? 
I can see some exterior rust and paint peeling on the back. Should I run? 

I know bearings were recently done (sealed ones, apparently) and brakes serviced. 

What should I look for that I might not be able to manage for getting it ready for use? I’m totally new to this. The price is very good. 


  • qhumberdqhumberd Member Posts: 513
    My thoughts are unless you are pretty handy or have access to a tech you can trust, you are signing up for a lot of potential problems with a trailer stored outside so long. We had a pop up that we loved but when we were forced to store it outside for just a couple of seasons critters from mice to snakes found their way in and once in they can do a lot of damage.

    The other issue is water intrusion as there is aging of the caulk seams and unless that was kept up with, lots of problems can arise.

    So just from the picture you provided, I think unless you really enjoy fixing up a trailer this old, I would run. Most folks get a T@B to take camping, not spend hours repairing it.

    2019  T@B400 Boondock Lite "Todd"

    2016 Toyota Tundra 5.7 Crew Cab
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,778
    @JayBee - I think a lot of the Dutchmen TaBs of this vintage are serious contenders for floor replacement as they had wood in the flooring.  With an estate sale, you probably won’t get much info re maintenance either.  The frames are older and IIRC hard to come by if you need to replace.  The surge brake parts may require a lot of sourcing for parts.  IMHO, you are looking at a potential headache.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • JayBeeJayBee Member Posts: 4
    Thank you both SO much. 
    This is very helpful information. 

    There is also a 2015 T@b “quick start” model available for a few thousand more, from a RV dealer. 
    I’m guessing this is a better choice… but I can’t seem to find specs on this model. It doesn’t look to have a fridge or even a place to put a cooler. 
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,778
    @JayBee - open this link to Owners Manuals, scroll to 2012-2016, open the 2014 model PDF.  It shows options for the Quick Start package.

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • lostinaclamshelllostinaclamshell Member Posts: 3
    I might be too late but RUN - any soft spots on the floor 0% take a chance. I bought a 2006 t@b clamshell model and there was 'a small soft spot' on the floor. Once I investigated by ripping up a floor board, I needed to do a total floor replacement, it was all rotted. And even had to have a welder weld me a new frame because the aluminum one had turned to dust from water damage. I am amazed it made it home to NY from MI with me and didn't fall apart on the road. I love it now, but there were many tears and headaches restoring this. I would never do it again haha 
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