Porthole window cover

What are people doing nowadays to cover the circular porthole window in the entry door? Mine has the rotating light filter but it does not make the interior completely dark when sleeping. I've read some old threads where an online store sold some kind of cover but they don't anymore. Interested to see what other people have done
2016 T@B 320 CS-S


  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 478
    We live with it. You can get a piece of foam rubber (for seat cushions) and cut it slightly larger than the size of the window. Then all you need to do is stuff it in the porthole at night. For bonus points sew attractive fabric around the foam rubber.
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 462

    I use a piece of opaque plastic that we velcroed around the perimeter for  both the bath room porthole and fan.  It makes the interior pretty dark even in the daylight.  Not very elegant, but works well and easily removeable  on a daily basis.  But we just leave the bath room on all the time.

    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • BlueespyBlueespy Member Posts: 225
    Purchased a sheet of reflective foil insulation, 3mm (16"x10').  Cut shades for all the windows on our t@b.  We use them when our t@b goes to the storage lot plus we use a large cover.  Carry them with us in the event we are at a site with no shade and want a bit more insulation from the sun shining through.  Never had an issue with light, our t@b is quite dark at night.
    2019 T@B 400 BDL
    2020 Ford F-150 XLT (V-8)
    Niceville, Florida
  • alexreinhardt98alexreinhardt98 Member Posts: 5
    For anyone in the future, I got a piece of black felt from Hobby Lobby and cut to size of the circle window on the entry door. Then I used some sticky velcro dots on the window to stick the felt on. Works great to keep the light down in the mornings especially. 
    2016 T@B 320 CS-S
  • ColleenD2ColleenD2 Member Posts: 510
    bought a flower at hobby lobby and glued it to a cake board I covered in fabric. It's so cute!
    2019 Custom T@B 320 U Boondock Lite-ish
    Custom Colors & Custom Interior
    We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
  • DwelcomeDwelcome Member Posts: 1
    Can you share where you got the shoe net?
  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    Round styrofoam and cut it to fit. Use ours in bathroom. Works fine. 
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
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