Champion 2500 dual fuel

Has anyone used the Champion 2500 on propane, at elevation (4-6,000 ft) to run the Air8 and if so, were you successful?  I’d ideally like to stay with a 2500 size generator due to the weight, so would consider other options as well, but would prefer to stay with propane.  Thank you for the feedback!


  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    Since no one has answered, I'll offer some thoughts. The manual says "When using a 20-pound propane tank, it produces 2500 starting watts and 1665 running watts." In the fine print is sea level and 15F.

    1665 watts at 120v is 13.7a. This is slightly less than a single home outlet, or about one appliance. Engine output is related to air density which is based on altitude. You typically lose 2 to 3% power output for each 1000ft assuming the temperature is constant. The manufacturer's numbers are based on a new, properly running motor. Using propane will produce these values longer than gasoline.

    My guess: 
    it may work in the mountains for charging the battery. For running the air conditioner, it may not if anything else is also on. The math says it is sketchy. Reality and math aren't always in agreement. The real test is to try it. Do you know someone that has one you could try?

    I do understand the desire to not get the larger 30a generators. 30a is 3300 to 3600w. That's a lot more size, weight and fuel. The benefit is the ability to operate the trailer without restrictions.
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
  • B0atguyB0atguy Member Posts: 218
    We have a Honda 2200i and although we don't have an Air8 , we do have a 2024 400 with the Cool Cat . Our Honda 2200i runs our Cool Cat with no issues using fuel/gas . Also, we do have the propane conversion for our 2200i from Hutch Mountain , and it did run our Cool Cat just fine on propane, although on initial start up , the generator had a split second overload warning pop up , but ran fine after that . 
    I have since installed a "soft start" on our Cool Cat , and now the 2200i runs the A/C with no trouble what so ever . Even on "eco" mode, we have no issues . Very light, VERY quiet , very reliable . Ok, maybe its a little more expensive too, lol , thats literally the only downside .
    Really , there is a reason why EVERY other generator is compared against the Honda. Its the gold standard . I am SO glad we decided on the Honda . Its the perfect combination for any NuCamp when coupled with the Hutch Mountain propane kit (VERY easy to install !) , and a soft start on the A/C unit. 
    The soft start was also a huge improvement on its own . The A/C runs better on shore power  and with our 400ah batteries / 3000w inverter . The A/C runs quieter and doesn't have that loud surge when the compressor kicks on . Love it ! 

    Good luck in your search , but its worth your time (and extra $$$) to give serious consideration to the Honda . 
    2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 
    2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD,  Grey / White 
    2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
    2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD 


  • halfhalf Member Posts: 7
    Weighing in although I am no expert.  I have the Champion 2500 dual fuel and read many posts indicating that it would (just barely) run the Air 8 but you had to be careful not to plug in anything else and certainly not use the microwave. I did not want to get a heavier generator but living in the South I wanted to be able to use the AC when necessary.  I ended up shopping and waiting until a 2400 Champion dual fuel went on a good sale and purchased it along with the Champion 30-Amp paralink that allows you to link two 2000 - 3000 watt inverter generators.  Maybe they take up a bit more room than "one" generator but easy to lift and carry and gives some definite flexibility. 
  • donmontalvodonmontalvo Member Posts: 42
    I retired in October, bought my 320s, and quickly learned that I needed a generator. I took my time deciding and ended up getting a Champion 2500 gas only generator (201490). It easily runs my Air8 and microwave, and along the way charges my LiFePO4 battery.

    I keep a 5 gallon fuel container strapped to my spare wheel, and I fill it when I get gas for my Jeep. Power, weight, and size were a deciding factor. Running power is 1850W for gas, and 1665W for propane, so decided to just get the gas model.

    I haven't used it at altitude yet, but will soon since it'll start getting hot in Quartzsite, AZ in a month or so. But from what my buddies tell me, the Champion 2500 runs fine at altitude using gas, no idea about propane.

  • MaxcampMaxcamp Member Posts: 292
    edited February 12
    Ryobi 2300w gasoline powered inverter runs our Air8 A/C or microwave just fine in various altitudes and conditions.  It's also the one gasoline tool I own that has not had carbeurator issues with E10 gas over seven eight years home and camp use.  We still fill our 5gal carrier with nonethanol after leaving New England.
    With 200ah battery and 200w of solar and DC truck charger, in past two years we've only used generator after a full rainy week.

    2021 T@B 320S Boondock/ 2012 Tacoma 4 cylinder truck / 2023 Tacoma 6 cyl. truck

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