As a former 320 owner who wanted something a little simpler, I was hoping the new 320 Lite would fit the bill. Unfortunately, it looks like they've made it a little too lite. The photos and specs are up on their website now, as well as a number or walk-through videos. I hate to always focus on the negatives, so I'll mention that there are numerous good things about this new camper. This includes the additional space under the passenger seating, the simpler heater (furnace), the lo-fi A/C (although not in a great location), the clean interior, less weight and more. Now for the not so great things.
Interior Storage: Nucamp is marketing this camper as having great new interior storage. It is true that that additional storage under the seat/benches is very nice, and they did a good job with the inserts. Unfortunately, looking that additional storage, combined with the loss of storage in the back cabinets, and the loss of kitchen storage, it appears to me that the net is actually a loss of interior storage (and really, some of that storage in the very back was already there in the 320 S). Perhaps at some point someone can prove me wrong with some actual measurements. Also, without the back cabinets, the under seat storage is inaccessible with the bed made. And, with much of the kitchen storage gone, you'll likely have to stuff your cooking gear/dry goods under there with your clothing and bedding. I asked if the rear cabinets could be an addon and was told no.
Exterior Storage: Basically, there is none. How about the front storage enclosure? Well, they've opted to replace the full size 320 S container with a small version, AND that container houses both the LP tank AND the battery. What's left is going to make it very difficult to store any type of hoses and standard camper gear. Oh, and by the way, they are NOT including the LP tank or battery. I get they are making a lite version and trying to cut costs, but with storage already being an issue with these trailers, this just doesn't make sense--- especially with an MSRP of $25K. And now that the front platforms are gone on all models, you can't add side containers or really anything in front of this container without some significant modifications.

A/C location: I'm sure there were plenty of reasons not to put the window unit A/C in the microwave slot, but where it's located in the kitchen means that you have very little kitchen storage, and you have conditioned air blowing from a less than ideal location (down low, directly at sleepers, or directly at your legs in the kitchen).

With all this said, I realize that it's hard to please everyone. I just feel like sometimes these designs are made without really considering the end user. For instance, you are making a lite version of the 320 which will (or should) certainly appeal to folks with smaller trucks and SUVs. The problem? These folks now have to stuff their smaller vehicles with even more items that will no longer fit in the smaller front storage and kitchen area. Again, this is a camper with almost no exterior storage.
I'm not posting this to grind an axe or be a complainer. I just hoped this would be a good fit for our next camper and I'm disappointed that it isn't. And I also hope this type of post (and my e-mails) result in some improvements next time around. For now, we'll be looking at some other options -perhaps other Nucamp models and other brands.