Battleborn in propane tub?

We own a 2022 320s BD and recently purchased a 100 ah heated Battleborn lithium battery to replace the stock lead acid battery we have in the propane tank tub. As I'm reading posts here, it looks like everyone puts their lithium battery inside the T@b.  We're getting ready for a MN to Grand Canyon, Arches, etc. trip. Do we have to squeeze the battery to an inside spot and do all that wiring? Or can we just drop it in to the space the lead acid battery was in the propane tank tub? We already have a Victron shunt in there with a bus bar. If that's possible to do, then do we just move that little tiny switch in the fuse box area to "Lithium"? I've read so many of the posts, but most of it sounds like Greek to me.
Thank you for any guidance you can offer.


  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 610
    I placed my Battle Born battery in a battery box in my front tub in my 2018 320S. I didn't have a smart shunt. You'll want to ensure your WFCO converter is correctly charging for a lithium battery.
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 19
    You will be all set with the Li switch. 
    Many of the posts on this topic are related to WFCO models that are supposed to "Auto Detect" the battery type.  In many cases it does not detect Li batteres and one of the potential causes is the long wiring from the interior converter to the front tub.  Your switch assures the right charge profile is running for the battery type you select.
    The Battle Born Li battery will be a noticeable improvement in 12 volt system performance and reliability.
    Have fun!

  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,070
    edited February 19
    Many owners just have the batteries in the tub and call it done, lithium or otherwise. 
    There are a lot of posts here about running the various cables to the "inside" of the Tab.  In the last couple of years, owners have come up with slightly easier ideas of running the various wires under the trailer and into the areas behind the benches.  This seems to have made the wires much easier to run. 
    This is one thread that shows how an owner did this with a conduit above the coroplast cover under the trailer.
    These sorts of discussions do get pretty esoteric..but lots of help is available if you want to attempt this or you have an RV tech with the appropriate skills. This is just one example, there are probably a few more.
    If you don't want to do all this to bring the battery inside, the only thing you need to check to "drop in" the battery is just to confirm the size of it.  Measure out the space your current "Group 24" battery is located.
    The next step is to set up your Victron solar controller and Victron Shunt for the proper settings for lithium batteries.
    If you happen to have the "Lithium Switch" model of the WFCO....just flip the switch to "LI".  This thread shows the "LIS" model of the WFCO (meaning "lithium switch). 
    This Battleborn page shows how to program the shunt for your Battleborn. (This would be the procedure for almost any battery, as long as you use your specific battery numbers).
    This is the important setup procedure for the Victron solar controller.
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    BandB said:
    We own a 2022 320s BD and recently purchased a 100 ah heated Battleborn lithium battery to replace the stock lead acid battery we have in the propane tank tub. As I'm reading posts here, it looks like everyone puts their lithium battery inside the T@b.  We're getting ready for a MN to Grand Canyon, Arches, etc. trip. Do we have to squeeze the battery to an inside spot and do all that wiring? Or can we just drop it in to the space the lead acid battery was in the propane tank tub? We already have a Victron shunt in there with a bus bar. If that's possible to do, then do we just move that little tiny switch in the fuse box area to "Lithium"? I've read so many of the posts, but most of it sounds like Greek to me.
    Thank you for any guidance you can offer.
    You can put it in the front tub. Remember that it doesn't necessarily have to be put in a vented battery box. I used a plastic file folder box. You might want to consider coming up with a way to lock it up. 
    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • BandBBandB Member Posts: 52
    @pthomas745 your links to programming the Victron for lithium were very helpful!! @Marceline your idea to use a plastic file folder box did the trick. We now have it installed and working! Thank you both so, so much!
  • magnetomagneto Member Posts: 2
    Be VERY careful about where you put a battery inside the Tab because the
    floor is not strong enough to keep it from moving around on rough roads.
    I installed a second 90 A-h Odyssey AGM battery under the passenger side seat between the wheel well and the box around the heating radiator.  All was fine for
    2 years until I took it on a washboard road in Death Valley this past weekend.  The
    shaking battery knocked the entire cabinet loose and stripped all of the pocket
    screws as well as gouging the floor with the screws.  I am in the process now
    of repairing the damage and have moved the battery to the front deck next to
    the propane tub.  I already had 20 mm ammo cans mounted there for storage
    and am simply repurposing one of them as a battery box.

    The floor in my 2020 Tab 320s Boondock has about 1/4" of solid material over
    1" of foam like styrofoam and then a bottom layer that is about 1/8" thick.  The
    top layer is not strong enough to keep an 80 lb battery from moving around.

    I recommend a second sturdy battery box mounted in the front next to the
    propane tub.

    2020 Tab 320s boondock
    2002 Toyota Tacoma 4WD
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 27
    magneto said:
    Be VERY careful about where you put a battery inside the Tab because the
    floor is not strong enough to keep it from moving around on rough roads.
    I installed a second 90 A-h Odyssey AGM battery under the passenger side seat between the wheel well and the box around the heating radiator.  All was fine for
    2 years until I took it on a washboard road in Death Valley this past weekend.  The
    shaking battery knocked the entire cabinet loose and stripped all of the pocket
    screws as well as gouging the floor with the screws.  I am in the process now
    of repairing the damage and have moved the battery to the front deck next to
    the propane tub.  I already had 20 mm ammo cans mounted there for storage
    and am simply repurposing one of them as a battery box.

    The floor in my 2020 Tab 320s Boondock has about 1/4" of solid material over
    1" of foam like styrofoam and then a bottom layer that is about 1/8" thick.  The
    top layer is not strong enough to keep an 80 lb battery from moving around.

    I recommend a second sturdy battery box mounted in the front next to the
    propane tub.

    A 100 amp-hour LFP battery weighs ~25 pounds.  Much less of an issue for safely securing in place compared to a similar amp-hour AGM weighing 75+ pounds.

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